Dispute Resolution

At Fabspot, we strive to ensure that all parties—Fabcard holders, businesses, and employers—have a positive experience. However, we recognize that disputes may arise. This Dispute Resolution section outlines the process for resolving issues that may occur between Fabcard holders, businesses, or other stakeholders.

If you have any concerns or disputes regarding your experience with Fabspot, we encourage you to follow the steps below to reach a satisfactory resolution.

2. Fabcard Holders

2.1 Service and Offer Disputes

  • If you encounter any issues with the service, food, or goods provided by a business where you used your Fabcard, please contact the business directly. Fabspot is not responsible for the quality or standard of the products or services offered by third-party businesses.

  • Should you have difficulty in resolving the issue with the business, you may report it to support@fabspot.co.uk, and we will review your claim and take appropriate action if needed, including possibly removing or suspending the business’s offers from our platform.

2.2 Incorrect or Unavailable Discounts

  • If a Fabcard discount was not applied as advertised or you were unable to redeem an offer, please report this issue to support@fabspot.co.uk. Provide full details, including the business name, offer, date of visit, and any relevant documentation, such as a receipt or screenshot.

  • Fabspot will investigate the issue, communicate with the business, and get back to you with the findings. While Fabspot cannot provide compensation, we aim to mediate a resolution where possible.

3. Businesses Offering Fabcard Deals

3.1 Offer Misrepresentation

  • If a business feels that their offer has been misrepresented on the Fabspot platform or if customers are redeeming offers in a way not intended, they should contact support@fabspot.co.uk to address these concerns.

  • Fabspot will review the business's submission and, if necessary, adjust or clarify the offer description. Businesses are encouraged to regularly check their offers for accuracy and to report any discrepancies.

3.2 Staff Training and Understanding of Fabcard

  • We recognize that staff turnover in the hospitality and retail industries can be frequent, and in some cases, employees may not be fully trained or familiar with Fabcard offers. This may result in misunderstandings or errors when applying Fabcard discounts.

  • Fabspot cannot be held liable for any mistakes made by business staff who are unaware of how Fabcard works. If you experience any issues due to staff unfamiliarity, please contact us directly at support@fabspot.co.uk. Our team will work with you personally to resolve the situation and ensure that your experience is as smooth as possible.

4. Employers Purchasing Fabcards

4.1 Employee Use Disputes

  • Employers purchasing Fabcards for their employees are responsible for ensuring that employees are informed of all Fabspot terms and conditions.

  • Fabspot will not mediate disputes between employers and employees regarding the usage or access to Fabcard benefits.

4.2 Bulk Order Issues

  • If there are any issues with bulk purchases of Fabcards, such as incorrect quantities, digital card delivery, or access issues, employers should contact support@fabspot.co.uk.

  • Fabspot will investigate and resolve any issues in accordance with the applicable Terms and Conditions.

5. General Dispute Process

5.1 Step-by-Step Dispute Process

  1. Initial Contact: If a dispute arises, please contact support@fabspot.co.uk with full details of the issue.

  2. Investigation: Fabspot will investigate the matter by contacting the relevant parties (either businesses or customers) to understand the situation.

  3. Resolution: Fabspot will communicate the findings to both parties and work to mediate a solution if possible. Fabspot’s role is to facilitate communication, but ultimate resolution may rest between the business and Fabcard holder.

  4. Outcome Notification: We will notify you of the outcome of the investigation and the actions (if any) taken by Fabspot.

5.2 External Resolution

  • If a dispute cannot be resolved through this process, Fabspot recommends seeking independent legal advice or resolution through third-party arbitration services.

  • For any disputes related to payment processing, customers may also contact their bank or payment provider.

6. Governing Law

All disputes arising under these terms will be governed by the laws of the United Kingdom. Any disputes that cannot be resolved through the process above will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the UK courts.

We hope this Dispute Resolution section provides clarity and encourages swift, fair resolutions to any issues you may experience. For further assistance, please reach out to our support team at support@fabspot.co.uk.